Experiment: Mobility and air quality in the Greater Paris Metropolis

This experiment aims to make users of internal combustion vehicles aware of the challenge of changing their habits towards more active and more restrained modes of travel in terms of emissions.

Published 17 / 01 / 2023

  • Behaviour change
Photo of a bike path and a road

Airparif invites you to take part in the "Mobility and air quality in the Greater Paris metropolis : Raising awareness and behavioral changes on a large scale" piloted by AIRLAB in partnership with the Métropole du Grand Paris, The city of Paris and l'ADEME.

Presentation of the experiment

The air quality in the Parisian metropolis is worrying. Exceedances of the regulatory values ​​set by the European Union have been observed in the central area of ​​the Paris conurbation and more generally near major traffic arteries. In this context, the Greater Paris Metropolis wishes to better understand mobility expectations and practices on its territory in order to encourage modal shift. 

As such, the Airparif experimentation platform called AIRLAB offered him an experiment entitled “Mobility and air quality in the Greater Paris Metropolis: awareness and behavioral changes on a large scale”. This support aims to make users of internal combustion vehicles aware of the challenge of changing their habits towards more active and more restrained modes of travel in terms of emissions.

The objective of the operation is to test on a limited perimeter, within organizations of different types (Paris region communities and businesses) an awareness and information system on air quality to support behavior change. in terms of mobility. 
This system will be based on a platform called MODOUX equipped with a CO emissions calculator2 and air pollutants (NO2, MP10 and PM2,5) which will allow users to quantify the impact of their movements, individually and vis-à-vis the group to which they belong.

It will serve as a mid-term spur and the indicators thus delivered will constitute a source of emulation between the participants. The animation system will include a first 3-hour workshop then 2 2-hour workshops whose purpose is to create a link between the participants and to encourage the exchange of good practices so that each participant is motivated to engage in a action plan to change its mobility practices.

The operation will be open to everyone, but autosoloists are the main target. Particular care should also be given to the diversity of socio-professional categories concerning the composition of the groups. The configuration of the digital tool and the animation of the workshops have been thought out in such a way as to promote collective emulation - which is clearly distinguishable from the competition. With regard to the content and messages delivered, they will focus on alternatives to the use of internal combustion vehicles without however containing messages that make you feel guilty.

To learn more, refer to the PDF below.